
Exercise 3: Effects on you

Que diriez-vous d’être là? Où tracer la ligne?

Now consider how you would feel about how close you could get to the child abuse taking place. At what point does it become unacceptable for you? Draw a line between where you would and would not be able to voluntarily go forward with the action.

  • Finding images or downloading links and not reporting them to the police
  • Watching/looking and trading the videos and images on your computer
  • Listening to the abuse through a wall from a different room
  • Seeing the abuse through a window
  • Standing in the room and watching the abuse take place
  • Being the person taking the video/photographs or directing the action
  • Actively participating in the abuse

Explain why you have placed your line where you did.

What might this tell you about downloading sexual images of minors?

  1. Download and open the file in a PDF reader. If you can’t do this, you can download this free PDF reader from Adobe.
  2. Modify the worksheets by filling in the editable fields.
  3. No need to return us the documents. Everything will stay completely private!