
Exercise 1: Understanding and responding to justifications

This process is called ‘self-talk.’ Self-talk is the internal argument someone uses to give themselves permission to do something they know they shouldn’t be doing. Here’s an example:

People will be persuaded by the self-talk process if their ‘yes’ justifications in favour of doing the behaviour are stronger than their ‘no’ arguments against the behaviour. By being aware of the self-talk process you go through, and the negative effects of offending for yourself and others, you will increase your ability and motivation to avoid further offending.

This film includes some of the justifications that people use to allow themselves to continue offending online.

In the box below, the left-hand side column contains some self-talk justifications you might have used to justify your use of sexual images of children. In the right-hand side column list self-talk statements which you could use in response to the matching justification to dissuade yourself from engaging in the behaviour. Please add at the bottom of the table any additional self-talk justifications that you use, along with a matching response.

You should repeat all the phrases you write in the responses column in your head, so that this sort of thinking becomes automatic if you start to use the justifications.

There is an example provided.

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