
What is a fantasy?

Do you ever think about winning the lottery? How would you spend the money? Where would you go?

This is one example of a fantasy. A fantasy is something that is imagined.

Why do people have fantasies?

Fantasies can be about a variety of different things and everybody will have their own reasons for engaging in a fantasy… 

  • For some, a fantasy will give them confidence, increased self-assurance and a sense of control over a situation by letting them rehearse how they will deal with a situation. (For example, preparing mentally for a job interview.)
  • For others, it may be a form of stress release (escapism) or a way to experience things that they would not in everyday life (that lottery win).
  • Negative fantasies can be a way people try to cope and prepare themselves for something they fear will happen, or a way of punishing themselves.
  • Some people use sexual fantasies as a form of sexual outlet; often if they are not meeting their sexual needs within a relationship.

A fantasy can have….

  • Positive outcomes: for example, imagining achieving an award or winning a competition.
  • Negative outcomes: for example, if a partner does not return home on time, imaging that they have been in a car accident.

Some fantasies are….

  • Plannedrehearsed and repeatedly used by a person, e.g. scoring a world cup goal.
  • Triggered by an emotional response or an external stimulus, e.g. replaying a bad day at work.
  • Sometimes a person’s thoughts stray, and it takes them a short time to realize they are fantasizing and not doing what they are supposed to be doing.

When fantasies become a problem

Fantasies are a healthy and ‘normal’ part of everyday life and everybody fantasizes about something at one point or another.

However, fantasies can become a problem when:

  • You engage in fantasies for a long period of time and increasingly often
  • You use fantasy to deal with a situation rather than resolving the problem itself
  • You would rather engage in a sexual fantasy than engage in sexual activity with your partner
  • Your sexual fantasies are illegal, abusive or inappropriate (explored later)

If you can identify with the bullet points above, then your fantasies may begin to affect the things you care about, such as your family, your friends, your job and your intimate and sexual relationships.

My fantasies

A good starting point in considering if your fantasies are problematic is to look at your fantasies in more detail. Exercise 1A and 1B will help you start to do this and will help you to explore your triggers to your fantasies.